April 1, 2021

Once toothpaste leaves the tube it can’t be squeezed back in. So it goes when words leave our mouths.

We can try to take back things we’ve said or done, and we can attempt to make amends, but there is no magic eraser to wipe the slate clean as if our words or deeds never happened.

Some things simply cannot be changed.

Accepting what is can be a tough thing to do.

Perhaps you noticed something incorrect about my Mid-March Sowing Seeds newsletter. As many times as I proofread my writing, I didn’t catch my mistake. Until after I hit “send.” Then, of course, it was too late. The newsletter was out there in all of its imperfection.

When you read it, did you catch my slip-up? Or are you waiting to learn of my blunder?

The newsletter’s email subject line announced:  Spring 2021 Sowing Seeds Newsletter. When you opened it, Winter Sowing Seeds appeared.

So which quarterly newsletter was it . . . Spring or Winter? If you answered Spring you are right.

So, “What’s the big deal?”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   My answer? “I strongly dislike messing up.” In fact, when I do, I mentally berate myself. Sometimes even to the point where self-criticism sets up shop in my head, even though I am the one giving it free rent there.

In order to set things right in my mind, I jump to justifying my blooper, reasoning:  “Technically, mid-March is still winter.” “It’s the template’s fault.” “No one will notice.”

This pattern of rationalization seems to repeat itself when I goof up. It never really gets me anywhere except stuck in internal turmoil. Eventually I am able to let it go and move on. But what a waste of head space during that spell.


With my newsletter mistake I decided to dodge the cycle and reflected on my recent blog—Sowing Seeds of Opportunity.

How could I nestle into its message to see my boo-boo as an opportunity?

Ta Da! It provided me with fodder for this blog. It dawned on me that some of you may be mired in beating yourselves up for something you have done or said. Perhaps something recent or from long ago.

How is self-condemnation affecting your relationships?

Even a relationship with yourself?

When we walk in this self-reproach, we rob ourselves of being all we can be, for ourselves or for others.

Only when we accept what is as what is, can we let go and let God fill us with peace.

What misdeeds are your thoughts caught up in? What opportunity lies in wait there?

The opportunity is simply to admit you are not perfect.

(Even though I know this about myself, I still strive to do things without error. Striving isn’t the problem. It’s when I don’t measure up that I sink into anguish and imprison myself in a torture chamber—not where God wants me to be.)

But back to you . . . How about seeing your misstep as an opportunity to ask God to help you see the person He sees when He looks at you?

When I do this I am amazed at how He loves me with all my imperfections.

If my Heavenly Father can accept me with my faults, who am I to not do likewise?

So, this blog has a twofold message regarding acceptance.

  1. To encourage you to accept what is regarding the things you cannot change in your life.
  2. To accept who God sees you as—His masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10)

In my book Run in the Path of Peace—the Secret of Being Content No Matter What, I devote an entire chapter on “Where Am I in the What Is?” If you haven’t read about my experience with our cow, Red, that ended up a mile down the road in someone’s yard while my husband was away hunting in Idaho, and a week before Red was to be made into hamburger, I invite you to see how I answered the question “Where Am I in the What is?”

Prayer:   Precious Heavenly Father, my heart overflows with gratitude for your acceptance of me as I am, even as you help me grow day by day. And thank you that “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”—Romans 8:1 (ESV)

Thought For the Day:  “Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms, you would never see the beauty of their carvings.”—Elisabeth Kübler-Ross